Gene Drives & Environmental Engineering
Week 08: For this week’s homework, led by Professor Kevin Esvelt of the MIT Media Lab, we will leverage the collective creativity and research skills of students in the class to try and research current unknowns connected to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic!
Given the rapidly evolving scope of the pandemic and the increasing body of research papers and studies that are released daily, a major challenge for the research community is synthesizing and understanding this material. For your homework, we will divide the list of questions below amongst students in the class, and you will do your best to answer each question with the best available studies and research. For each answer be sure to cite any relevant papers and studies, and note whether they have been peer-reviewed or are a pre-print. Answers to the questions can be added directly to the google doc. During the lecture we will build upon this list of questions and add additional ones during the discussion! bioRxiv and medRxiv